I don't know who to turn to anymore.

Here are some things that my 'best friends' have told me.

'look corey basically you put me through hell and i stood by your side because i cared but this time im going with lydia because i believe she is right here and i can see her point im done with the guilt trips corey you need to stop it it just ticks people off and people still try to give u another chance....seriously stop it, ask anyone. you still do it.'


' Corey im sick of your crap your being imaturee, if i dont wana tell u then i dont, and im sick of the trying to make me feel bad stuff, even if your kidding cause im not in the mood, and i have been having a teriiable week.'

[With the I don't wanna tell you thing, she meant who she was going to homecoming with. I was bugging her about it.]

And it really hurts to know that people have thought of you like that for the longest time and have not said a word. And it really makes me think, who can I turn to anymore?
I don't have anyone in my family, and according to that above, my friends don't want to hear it, and I really don't know anymore.
Any help?
And I get suggestions for me to talk to you guys, but I rarely get on mibba. So, yeah. Thanks for dealing with me.
I hope YOUR not sick of it.
-Corey ):
September 1st, 2009 at 04:06am