Hello September!

My Favorite time of year in the city.

The wind is blowing, the air is crisp and shopping is awsome.

On campus its a beauty. The wind ruffling the leaves in the trees. Kids sitting under them studying or just hanging out. Its the perfect time to sit back and relax. Actually woke up this morning and had a cup of hot chocolate before I went to photo class. It was to die for. Just took some amazing shots around the central park. Will post later.

Heading to Time Square tonight, the MONH and MOMA tommorow, The Zoo on thursday and then movies on friday.

Classes start soon so I have to take advantage.

I just love this time of year. Troubles just seem to melt away.

Only a month and 3 days till the Blink-182 concert.

Less than 4 months till the holidays.

Tell me what's your favorite season and why? Whats your favorite holiday? Mine is a tie between Christmas and Halloween. Hehe. I'd love to hear from you.
September 1st, 2009 at 09:06pm