So... I got that tattoo.


It's simple but I'm happy with it.

Anyway. Tomorrow, I'll be staying with my friend for the week. Her family is going out of town. After they get back, she'll be moving in with me. At least until we find another place. And to find another place, we'll have to find other jobs. We work at the same place, and the park goes to less hours for the fall after Monday. I just realized yesterday how drastically my hours are being cut. I'm going from 5/6 days a week to, like, 2....

Also... New Junk Aesthetic will be out soon! September 15. I've already got it pre-ordered. I'm so stoked. "Wanderlust" is amazing. Seriously, Steve Evetts brought out the best of ETID. I'm hoping the rest of the album has a similar sound. Keith's voice is sounding so good. I'm also hoping that since the album is done, Keith can work more on Finale. :]

I'm so stoked on this right now:
September 1st, 2009 at 11:10pm