new to mibba & all that

so i'm new to here. got roped in cos my mates like to read stories on here.
i'm not gonna write any stories, because i can never make decent ones up.
anywayyys, whats happening?
says at the top there that "you need to put effort in to your journals" well that kinda sucks cos most of the time i wanna write something but then, cant think of like, anything to write at all eh. & sometimes interesting things just don't happen.
moving on then, its my birthday in 13 days, going to see Steel Panther then too. Gonna be awesome. I'd prefer to go on holiday but noone seems to EVER be able to afford or even be off work at the same time as me. SUCKS.

So whats bugging me today, or "grinding my gears" as mentioned on family guy....
on Twitter one of the trending topics is H1N1, which brings me to ask, does anyone even care that much about swine flu now & are there folk still freaking out about it?
let me know.

Anyway, pretty random first journal, but hey, gotta write something eh?

September 2nd, 2009 at 10:01pm