Somethings shouldn't take....

The time that they do, but I know that I have to wait and let time take its course with me, mentally and emotionally; as well as physically. I want to be with him now, and badly, but he wants to wait until I'm further along in my recovery to do so. I understand that and I respect him greatly for it, because he respects my needs and supports me in what I need to do to better myself. It's amazing that I've actually found the one guy in the world that would do something like this for me, not to mention, my dad loves this kid like there is NO tomorrow.. really, it's weird. He normally hates the guys I'm with but not this time, oh no, not this time. He adores Jeff and it kind of creeps me out. But it's just something I'm going to have to get used to, I mean really, cause I really doubt Jeff is going anywhere any time soon. And that actually, makes me feel great.


Well, with that said, it's time to sign off for the night.

Love all.

God Bless.

September 3rd, 2009 at 08:00am