Normalcy - A Theory in the Works

The other day I was mulling over normalcy and just exactly what it is.

First thing that popped into my head was society's idea of normal. You know what I mean, a middle-class, American family made up of picturesque people with one or two children and maybe a dog. I then thought how rare that situation actually was.

So I thought, well, normalcy is just whatever happens to be in the majority at the moment. Whatever is in style, if you will. I realized then that it takes a seemingly long time for humans to adapt to the new majority. For example, the womens' rights movement. Even though they were aloud to vote, and were equal to men the idea was only written down. It took decades for women to be appreciated as actual human beings. I then scoffed at human behavior, but back to getting to my point.

And the point is: Anything that has happened is normal.

Let me explain.

I'm saying that if it has happened it will eventually be accepted by human beings. If it hasn't happened it is not normal. Things that have happened are measured by the frequency of the actual event happening. The more rare, the less normal. Or at least, that is the idea that is most accepted by society today.

Let me give you an example.

There was a man in Asia that had root like growths all over his body. You may know him as the Tree Man. Doctors have never seen anything like this before, but the story got out, and eventually people got used to the idea. It didn't seem as 'not normal' anymore.

I'm not exactly sure if this is completely accurate, but it's just a theory of mine. Comment me giving your opinions.
September 3rd, 2009 at 01:52pm