Hospital visits // I need some advice.

I had a doctors appointment today, and I was all but pleased with the outcome. I went in thinking that I was going to be perfectly fine. Turns out that I have these specks lining the inside of my esophagus. The normal amount a person has is 15...I've got 80. Just my luck right? It's some sort of new kind of food allergy. So now, I'm getting put on two different meds; one pill and some sort of inhaler. Extremely fun stuff! Ha. And they also want blood work done, and AT LEAST one more scope procedure. (They put me out, and go down with a tiny camera and look at my insides) Then if they don't find anything, I'm getting sent to a dietitian and he's going to do some tests. And I'll even get some more scope procedures done! (at the most, six)

Anyways on to the next thing...

I was going through McDonald's drive through today and I see my ex-boyfriend with one of my pretty close friends from last year. It was kind of a huge blow to my heart. I'm still not even close to being over him. At all. I've been on and off with him for about five years. That's a long ass time. I've had other boyfriends between then...but he's always stuck in the back of my head. But yeah. I don't know how to get over him. He's the sweetest guy in the whole world (when he isn't high), but he's hurt me so much in the past... Over the summer some things happened between us that probably shouldn't of. I don't regret them though. They just happened at an inconvenient time. I can't stop thinking about them. Or him. And when I do think about him, I want to call him up and tell him everything I'm feeling. But I know if I do, I'll end up crying or something. Ugh, this is so complicated and confusing. Any advice?
September 5th, 2009 at 12:59am