so much to cover.

wow. it's amazing how many lessons you can learn in a matter of months.

last time i wrote anything, i had a boyfriend & i was in love with a chick. i was living in dartmouth in a hell hole with my alcholic mother. in late january i broke up with the boy & in late february i got fed up with the mom. for six months i lived on my best frend's farm in nine mile river. i met the best friends i ever had there & i never planned on leaving them. guess what? dad shattered THOSE dreams when he calls me a week before school began telling me to pack my shit.

so now i find myself here in greenwood. still in love with that chick, & estatic to be going to school with her finally. but, i'm the new girl once again. yay sudden burst of popularity/ wave of guys wanting to get with you/ high school drama, etc. all over again!

i only came out about my bisexuality to a few of my dartmouth friends, none of my nmr friends & a few of my greenwood friends. sigh.

i got my belly button pierced, still have the monroe, pierced my own bottom lip xD i got a board finally & am currently learning to skate :D i got an ipod touch, aka where i'm writing this from......

i am SUCH a different person. it's insane!
September 5th, 2009 at 07:12am