Du du du du... PATD/ GAURY dreammm. :D

The Dream:

It was the day of VooDoo Fest. Obviously I along with all the other New Orleans kids look forward to it. Panic! At the Disco was playing there. Last years voodoo fest Panic played but I missed panic cause I had to leave early. But ALL of panic was there; Ryan, Brendon, Jon, and Spence together, both times. ;)

I walked up to the little stage they were on and sat just behind the line. Andy was playing on stage with all of them too. I was there with my friend Kelsi. She sat next to me. They were playing ‘That Green Gentlemen’ and I pulled my folder out of my messanger bag. Andy suddenly stopped playing and asked “What is that?” I called back “My Fall Out Boy folder. But I have a Panic one iin my bag too”. He smiled. Then they started playing ‘Womanizer’ by Britney Spears and Ryan burst out laughing staring at Brendon when he was trying to sing. So I was like “Awwh Ryan looks so cute, but I still hate him.” Then the girls in front of us turned around. {Authors note; those chicks in front of us where the ones from the Football game that sat in front of us the same night before I went to bed} And then I said “Because of his coke addicting that broke up Panic” Then the left girl was like “What?” Then I said “You didn’t know that this is their last tour playing together?” They just nodded then turned around. I kept watching them ‘til they took a break where everyone walked off the stage. I watched them go behind this ‘Authorized Personal Only’ place that was being guarded so I, being the creep that I am, watched Brendon. Next they put a HUGE seat over everything and everyone that was in there, including the band. I walked over to the right side, pulling Kelsi with me. Then snuck behind the bookshelves to try to get in. {Authors’s note; I don.’t even know why there were bookshelves there, there just were.} Then Brendon ran past the shelves, I ditched Kelsi, Ryan, Spence, and jon went back on stage, and I followed Brendon. He jumped into the passenger side of a limo and I followed sitting right next to him and closing the door.
“Um, hi.” Brendon spoke. I was sprawled out across him.
“Hey.” I smiled from ear to ear. He laughed.
“Why aren’t you going back on stage?” I asked.
“Idk.” {Yes, he said ‘idk’.}
Me; “Can I have one of yer shirts.” {He was holding two and wearing one. The two in his hand were used and sweaty.}
Bden; I don’t know… You just want me to take my shirt off!
Me; Not nessicarily. I want a used one.
Him; I don’t think s-… {I stopped him mid sentence}
Me; Pleaseee, you can keep the time I just want your sweat! I loveeeee Your sweat!!
Him; Oh god, your not one of those crazy- {I stopped him again}
Me; Fangirls? Yes. {I showed him my hand which had ‘Ryden’ written in red on it.}
Him; -GOD-. {But he smiled}
Me; well then can I at least have something of yours?
Him; Sure. {He began digging around for something.}

The girl that almost caught me in the library started chasing the limo
Me; DRIVE! DRIVE! Bden, can ya hurry?

Brendon grabbed his sunglasses off his head the handed them to me.
Bden; You can have these. But don’t tell anyone to come by me.
Me; Okayy!

I jumped out of the car and saw Ryan smoking weed.
Me; Ryan?! Stop! What the fuck are you doing?!”
Ryan; Nothing!
Me; Bullshit! I see your eyes glossed over.
{I walked away, well stormed away…}

I watched Brendon’s limo drive away to a nearby green van. It was FOB’s so I thought nothing of it then walked back to the satge area and watched some random people packing up Panic’s gear.

Me; I missed them?!
Guy1; I guess, it’s over and now a church is using the stage area.

I grunted then ran off past the church girls and began wandering. I wandered around the dark parking lot looking for Kelsi whom was taking me home with her. I couldn’t find her, the church girls were driving me insane, and Panic/ Andy were LONG gone. Then I suddenly woke in my room. {AN; Not really waking up but I woke up in my dream}

In my room the five year old that lives in my house was sitting on the shelf next to my bed with her dad beside her colouring in a couloring book.

Her; “Good morning Sydney!”
I grunted and glanced at the clock which read 7.30 am. I grunted AGAIN.
Her dad; I think I’m gonna let Lexy {AN; her name was Lexy.} sleep until late. But not totally late, just til like 11.
I rolled over and fell right back to sleep. Arriving at ANOTHER Panic concert.

Panic was playing on a stage much like the Liveinchicago stage. There were TONS more people there. My friend Yuri whom is dating my best friend Gary was along side me. I waved at her and she walked back next to Gary. Soon as he saw me he just stood there with open arms and a smile. He walked a touch closer and I extended my arms.
Gary; C’mon get up!

I smiled then walked next to him thinking I was getting a hug but he instead grabbed my wrist and pulled me running toward the Panic stage.

Me; Where are we go- WAIT BDEN’S HERE! {AN; He knows I love Brendon urie} He smiled then kept running towards the stage I suppose. I woke up as he was pulling me wherever we were going.
September 5th, 2009 at 06:21pm