Oh my good-ness! My stomach!!!

Wow! I am taking NJROTC (cuz my mom wanted me to) and we have to do sit -ups and push-ups. Now that itself is not horrible because i used to be the master of situps! But 1). army push-ups are hard for me and 2). i didn't take gym last year and i totally lost my ability to even do 10 sit-ups!!! So this friday i came home from my friends house and immediately got to work on fixing this issue and now im so sore!!! But hey at least im getting better at push-ups which i really couldn't do much in the first place!

Also just moments ago i was reading some of the comments on my (some slightly depressive) journals and read my friends comments (like in person and online btw) and i actually teared up because of how much the mean to me!! (such a corny person!)
And a shout out to ArisaysLOLLERSKATES because i had no clue what day we were going to have the PAR-TAY and i was cranky cuz i was sore and i had to keep letting the dog in so i was a total bi*ch on the phone! sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry!!!!!

I can have a lot of mood swings whether you notice it or not i actually lose my temper very quickly with little things so if i am an unreasonabe bitch then please slap me then go get me a diet pepsi and i will love you forever!!! <3
Anyway gettin late~!
September 6th, 2009 at 06:48am