Age is but a Number

I'm tired of people blaming their talent or "lack" of talent on their age. I don't see it on mibba very often, but in real life I see and hear it more than I'd like to. I'm getting the feeling that some people aren't giving themselves the chance to do better because they think they'll eventually get better when they "grow up".

I'm sorry but talents and skills don't necessarily come with age. It comes with practice, hard work, determination, and pride in what you do.

Students in my art classes say things like "Well, I'm only fifteen, so I'm not that good." or "You can't expect a masterpiece from me, I'm only a teenager."

Bull. Shit.

I've read amazing stories written by authors younger than I am. I've seen artwork created by fourteen-year-olds that could match or even challenge the sketches done by artists in their mid-thirties.

I'm not saying practicing doesn't take time and that every kid out there can be better than the older folk they may or may not look up to, but sitting there and blaming what you think is a lack of talent on your age, when you could be making yourself better?

It's a waste of time and I'm getting tired of hearing it.

September 6th, 2009 at 04:03pm