The Bottle Cap Who Wanted to be an Extremely Hot Vampire! These Just Keep Getting Worse!!

Like I've said for the past 2 Bottle Caps: there are three others you might want to read. That is, I can't make you. These are my babbles of boredom in a story with famous people put in. Got another descrition? Comment it!
Your Sassy Playboy Bunny,
Lil Angelo Wupkins arrived at Gabe Saporta House at three that morning. That's right, this story has no sense of time. He rolled into the door a few times and it was opened by one Gabe Saporta.
Gabe Saporta nodded, "Hi."
"Wat's up?"
"The sky."
"Wat's down?"
"The ground."
"Wat's all around?"
"Your face."
"Ow, that hurt."
"Sorry, man."
And then they shared a manly hug.
"What the craptastic was that?" Lil Angelo Wupkins asked, "That was horrible writing!"
"The author has writers block!" Gabe Saporta exclaimed
"Oh no! We'll have to quartine her and and and she'll die!!!!!!"
"That's the swine flu, lil budy."
"Yep, writer's block isn't as contagious."
"This is the stupidest one so far."
"Oh, god! If they get worse each time, what'll happen if she keeps making them? They'll spread stupidity through the intire world!" Lil Angelo Wupkins wailed
"Oh dang!"
"Looks like we have to save the world."
Gabe Saporta nodded sullenly and added a small, "Again." which didn't even make sense because this just in GABE SAPORTA HAS NEVER SAVED THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!
El Fin
I thought I'd end it before it got any stupider. It is true, I have writers block. Sigh. I'm sorry if anyone was offended by the swine flu thing. But I do get off, because I have writers block and all...
I actually don't have much to say. The next one will be when I get rid of my WB (if I don't have other inspiring things to write) and will hopefully follow the 'Saporta and Wupkins on an adventure' plot line.
September 6th, 2009 at 11:40pm