My life right now. [I changed my username from 'realize' to 'inspire', by the way.]

I'm doing alright, I think.

On Saturday, I went to a party. It was my cousin's eighteenth, and I got to hang out with all his friends. The boys were all very very hot and the girls were nice. I had to much to drink, though, and spent most of Sunday feeling sick and not being able to eat anything.

Today, I woke up with the worst stomach cramps ever. I usually get them, but never, ever, have they been this bad. I haven't had a day off school...ever for them, so this was definitely something.

So while doubled over in pain, my sister decides to come over because her friends are going to Australia for two months. She decides to come in my room every ten minutes and bug me about how to use the minioven or to steal my tights.

When I finally managed to get up to get some panadol, I found that she had made poached eggs on toast and left the kitchen in such a was so disgusting. There were crumbs everywhere, the pan on the stove and the tray from the minioven covered with cheese...just on the bench. Messy.

Afterward, she tried to find a towel so she could take a shower but they were all in the dryer. She then proceeded to call me a bitch because I would not help her find one.

Then, my sister stole my good boots and left with her friend, to go to the airport. Bitch.

So...that was my day.

This past week: Things have been rather hectic. I can finally admit this, though. The boy that I have liked... for 13-14 weeks (?) and he has liked em for less, does not like me anymore.

I know it's fault. And you know what? I'm actually okay with it. I was never gonna get the courage, so it's probably better this way. I'm just trying to keep moving on, keep living life. Trying not to get too beat up.

Mibba, I'm so sorry for the rant. I haven't written a journal in ages, and I also apologize for that. I needed to write this.

inspire (Previously known as realize.

P.S. Thank you for the "threatening" txts this morning, friends. They really made me feel better. :D

P.P.S. Apologies for any mistakes.
September 7th, 2009 at 07:12am