i don't even know.

I was just sitting here on twitter and all of a sudden I felt the need to rant.
So here we go.

My best friend has always been kind of depressed. I never really know how to help her, but I crack stupid jokes at the right time and apparently its enough to stop her from doing things. Or so she says.
She just updated her twitter and said "the thing is, no matter how many 'friends' i acquire, i know full-heartedly that i will always be alone."
And it made me sad but it also made me pissed off. I will always be by her side, no matter what happens. EVER. I will ALWAYS be there for her. She just never opens up. She wont let anyone get close to her. That is the reason why she feels alone, not because people don't care or anything else. I know of many, many people that are there for her 100%. And some people aren't that lucky.
School also starts on Tuesday. I'm freaking out because last year I didn't do well. I'm really sick of disappointing my mom. Excuse me, I misspelled myself in that last sentence. :P Seriously though, I just feel like I'm letting down every one around me. I cant handle it anymore.
It starts on Tuesday and I still need to write an essay about religion in the 17 century. I had the whole thing basically written in my head but then i found out i had the assignment totally wrong. All I can think about if what I wrote the first time. At this point in seriously thinking about dropping the class.

And in the spell check, why does it turn "dont" into "dint?" Have you ever used the word dint? I always accidentally click it instead of "Don't"

To top it all off, my brother and his stupid bimbo girlfriend with her stupid laugh wont shut the hell up. Sorry. Done.
September 7th, 2009 at 08:17am