Labor Day Scavenger Hunt

for those of us without a life (me, Amara, Shelby, and Ryan), there's nothing better than a competitive scavenger hunt to pass the time.The teams were me and Ryan vs. Amara and Shelby.

Here's the list of things we needed to find:
- Pinecone
- Acorn
- Button
- House for sale info sheet
- Maple leaf
- Rock (has to be white)
- Menu
- Flyer
Pictures of:
- Baby in a stroller
- Someones tattoo
- Volkswagon Beetle
- "For sale" sign
- Anything Disney-related
- One of us on a swing
- One of us going down a slide
- Pepsi or coke sign
- Someone over 65 years old
- An animal of any kind
- Someone wearing a hat
- Policeman/woman
- Someone on a bike
- Someone on a motorcycle
Bonus Points:
- Picture of the prettiest front porch
- Picture of someone writing "these kids should win" on a piece of paper
September 7th, 2009 at 09:36pm