I need new things to do.

I want recommendations for anything.
Books, music, story's (original, fan fiction, any kind! Except for twilight/harry potter. Books, yes. Fan fiction, no. Sorry. Unless, that is, if you have a great one that you think I must read)
Ive been bored lately, and with school starting tomorrow I will need something to keep me from being too bored with the same old go to school, come home, eat, sleep, routine.

So, if you've got anything good, i wanna hear it. :)
Ive got some bands I like on my profile, I'm sorry if you think I have bad taste in music. But hey, heres you chance to change it. :D I haven't been too lucky in finding good bands lately so listening to the same old stuff gets boring.

I also just feel like talking. So leave me a comment if you want to chat. :)
Also, what is your opinion on cardigans, the sweaters? I love them and I have about 4 but my best friend says they look stupid and too old lady. ha ha
September 8th, 2009 at 12:35am