random rant :)

heyo! xD

i'm procrastinating going to sleep, which is pretty bad, rofl.

i had an average day. woke up, got ready, bus, homeroom, english, gym (where i did 28 pushups & 26 curlups :D), break, tech ed, lunch, social, english, math, bus, 40 GOD DAMN MINUTE WALK D: , plaed with the new puppy, ate supper, showered & here i am listening to fob, writing this boring shit :3

i'm dissapointed in myself xD today was go skate day & i didn't get any time on my board at all :( -skateboardnerd-

hm. i recently started dating a boy named brandon m. he's super cool 8) there's three guys in my class named shawn, ryan & brandon s. they're sort of cool, but tend to be assholes at times. today, shawn kept commenting that i should go out with ryan or brandon s. i kept saying no, i date brandon m. so then of course, they started making fun of the tightness of brandon m's jeans, etc. which royally pissed me off :/ & then, a third friend of theirs called me an emo. aka, a one way ticket to pissing me off. but i just rolled my eyes & kept walking.

oh, the joya of pety, high school drama -.-
September 9th, 2009 at 04:12am