So, recently I have made myself a account. You may be asking, "Why Kitkat? Is it because you hate us? It's because you hate us, isn't it?"

Well to answer your question, no. It is not because I hate you guys. How could I possibly hate you guys?!

I did it because a few of my friends wanted to read my work but they didn't want to have to sign up for Mibba and make an account and all that jazz. This is understandable. I also decided to post them there because, let's be honest. The more places it is, the more readers I will get. The more readers reading my story, the more obligated to update and write more I will be.

Now, do understand that I am in highschool and an upper classmen at that. I have a good amount of homework every night that needs to be taken care of before I get to go off and do my own thing online.

If people are interested, I am taking four english classes this year (rather then the recomended two) and obviously, I will be writing tons and tons of essay's. As a matter of fact, I just finished writing an essay before updating TAOBRT and writing this very journal. If anyone is interested in me maybe posting the more or less interesting essays, just give me a comment or a message or something. I just finished writing an essay about Howl's Moving Castle for my Film class.

Well, that's all I have to say right now.

Here is my link to my fanfiction page -

And if anyone has any other ideas where I should post things, just tell me!

September 10th, 2009 at 10:37pm