Skinny Doesnt Equal Anorexic (ignorance)

it gets pretty tiring having to hear "are you sure you dont wanna eat, jacky" every single day at lunch. im not the only person who does not eat at lunch. the only reason that people ask me that question is because im skinny. skinny does not equal anorexic you ignorant bastards.

when i say "no!" in a frustrated tone, people then ask me, "come on, you NEVER eat lunch.. why dont you?"

first of all, its none of your business as to why i dont eat lunch or not. and even
if i am anorexic, its not your right to know. i dont know what gives you the idea that i will come out like that. when someone asks "why dont you eat lunch?" the normal person wouldnt say "oh cause im anorexic"

but if you must know why i dont eat at lunch, its because:
1) im just not hungry.
2) because of ignorant people like you. when i do eat, people say "OH MY GOD! YOU'RE EATING! GOOD FOR YOU!" as if im some baby who just learned how to piss in the potty.

im not a baby and last time i checked, i was 15 and know damn well how to take care of myself...better than most of you can take care of yourselfs. im more mature than the average teenager and dont need people constantly checking if im eating at lunch as if im some kid. i dont need to explain myself to some girls that are too ignorant to realize that skipping a meal doesnt make you an anorexic.

learn how to fix your own problems before you ever try getting into my head and fixing mines.
September 13th, 2009 at 07:53am