Tired of Being Judge of Who I Use to Be

I use to be a cheerleader. I've been told I was the best cheerleader in my grade. Most people would die to hear that. Frankly, I don't care. I quit cheerleading three years ago. It wasn't me, I'm not the girl who goes around saying look at me, aren't I just the prettiest person ever. Not saying every cheerleader does that, but come on admit it, most do. So to this day, I'm being told that I made the biggest mistake ever. Because sense I stop cheerleading, my social status went down. But do I care? Not one bit. But I do admit I still hang out with the popular people, but I also hang out with the not as " popular" as others I don't care if I'm the biggest loser, or the most popular girl. If I don't feel like myself, I'm not going to do it. I'm tired of people bring up my last enjoyments. I am who I want to be.
September 14th, 2009 at 10:40pm