The End is Nigh!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 *Copied and Pasted

No, really, it is. The End is most certainly Nigh. Becuase, you see,


Hence The End being very Nigh indeed, since, you know, I live here now. (For those who haven't read previous blogs, I left home on Friday. It is now Tuesday.).

I always did have to be in my room in order to write anything. I could get ideas anywhere, but for the actual writing part, I had to be in my room. I couldn't write anywhere else. It still seems to be the case now, even though this is my room now. All my things are here and everything. It just doesn't seem to be enough. I don't know what will be. I don't know what it was about my old room that made me able to write so I can't replicate it here. And if I can't write here, I'm screwed, since my course involves writing. What can I do Mr. Muse?

Only, he wont talk to me these days. I thought he'd love the change of scenery. I thought it would spark so many ideas. But instead it seems that he is cowering in fear in a dark corner of my brain. Maybe this all reminds him of the time he ran away into strange and distant lands, only this time my whole body has ran away to strange and distant lands and he can never forgive me for reminding him of it. Whatever it is, I'm sorry Mr. Muse and will you please come out to play again soon? I miss our little games. Our word games were my favourite. So please Mr. Muse? We were always the best of friends.

I don't have any friends here yet. The girl I mentioned in my last blog tried talking to me again today when she was bored and there was no one else around. It was a bit of a disaster yet again. There are a few other that I've kinda sorta spoken to. All I have to say to that is, "Why, oh why, can't I hold a conversation with anyone?" I'm going to end up known as the one who doesn't speak before classes even start and people wont try to start a conversation with me because of it and I've never started a conversation in my life. I'm never going to make friends at this rate. Sociable people don't have the patience for not-so-sociable people. And I'll never have a proper relationship because experienced people don't have the patience for inexperienced people.

This lack of social skills has always been a bother but I think it's going to become a real Life Stopper soon. What can I do? No, seriously. I might just sound like I'm just whining, but it's more a cry for help. What can I do?

Unfortunately I've never met anyone who can teach someone How To Be Sociable. Sometimes I doubt it's something that can be taught. I think it's more something you're born knowing how to do. Meh, I don't know. I think I'm going to go stand in the middle of the group of people outside the Halls and see what happens.

September 16th, 2009 at 02:43pm