Rant #1

I am angry. No, not angry. I am irate. Today my brother came home from school with a book on WWII. When questioned by my mother about the contents of the book he told her that Hitler was included and that he killed the Jews.

He then went on to say that and I quote, “He did do something right, he killed the gays (this was not included in the book. This is what he‘d heard at school).”

What kind of schools are we sending our children to where they can be brainwashed into believing that homosexuals are horrible people and should be killed?

My mother then told me that at the same school they are flying the confederate flag on the flagpole. The elementary school I, a liberal American, went to flies the fucking confederate flag, a flag that represents the ignorance of a time that should be taught, not, fucking idolized.

My brother is only ten years old, 5th grade. When I was his age I was listening to Green Day and punching holes in my walls, because I was so mad at the world. I was one of the lucky ones. I was one of the students who saw how ignorant our establishment was.

People always told me that it was this way, because we live in the south and that people are stuck in there ways… WHO THE FUCK GIVES A SHIT!!!! When children are being told that the president of the united states is a nazi, when we just got out of an eight year med-evil age run by a fucking klan member, is fucking unacceptable.

They said that president Obama’s speech was brainwashing… WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU CALL WHAT THEY’RE DOING?! Passing on tradition?!

I thought we’d gotten passed this point, but apparently not.
Apparently, it’s still acceptable to pray in the mornings, when half of the student population at the school arent’ Christians.

Maybe it’s just me, but this pisses me off.

I’d be surprised if anyone read this far, but if you have I’m sorry for wasting your time. There really is no meaning to this journal other than to rant., so that I didn’t hit something.

September 17th, 2009 at 04:20am