This is a controversial journal.

No. Not really. But you clicked, right? xD

...Don't hate me if you read this expecting some heated debate opportunities. :]

You know your social life sucks pretty bad when you have to lie to your mom about whether you have friends or not. x[ For example, the conversation I had with my mother today.

"So are you still eating lunch with Nikki and those other girls?"

No. I was only interesting the first few days of school.

"And you're comfortable talking with them and stuff."


"Have you made more friends?"

"Yeah, a few."

"Well that's good! Why didn't you tell me?"

"Ehh, I guess I just forgot."
No, Mom, I'm having so much fucking fun with my new invisible friends that it just slipped my mind!

-sigh- Why do I suck so bad at interacting with people? -.- I should just go stalk that guy in the Watchmen sweatshirt and see if he is as much of a comics nerd as myself. Although I think I might be too low class even for him. Gaah. Why did we have to move? D:

Yes. Mmm. I'm done whining now. xD I promise I'm not some bitchy emo child. I just journal when I feel like one. :] I will attempt to write a happy journal one day, I promise. :]

Question of the day: What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
September 17th, 2009 at 04:49am