First day

"Oh man he thought.." as he reached the ended of his road, glancing at the time..." I'm going to be late for my first day....Father is going to be so unhappy with me" Mike went as fast as he could without going over the limit to much. He got to the office ar 8:32 a.m. Two minutes late he runs in the office. he catches his breath as he's in the elevator 3rd floor...4th floor... 5th floor... he reaches the 7th floor just in time to see his boss walk by... "Hey dad...I mean Good Morning Mr. McMann" Mike blushed.."Never let that happen again Mike" His dad says sternly..."And good morning to you to son.." he said with a half grin...Mike smiled as he walked to his new office. He just got his email pulled up when an urgent message came... it read " IMPORTANT: Emergency staff meeting at 9 sharp. he looked at the clock... "Snap it's already 8:58 I gotta go" He raced to the meeting in room B707. "made it" he thought as he wiped the sweat from his brow. He took his seat next to his father. "People People settle down..." Mr. McMann began... "First we have a newcomer...My son Michael" everyone looked at him. "Anyways we have a big case coming our way...A serial killer is being tried and we, meaning I, am going to prosecute him. I am going to choose one person right now to help me out on this case" everyone looked around all wondering the same thing...WHO..." so I have already desided and I would love to have our very own Mike McMann help me" Mike just sat there he wasn't paying any attention to the fact his name was just called to help with this case. He didn't think it would be him because he was new. Then people started patting him on the back and saying congrats man... His father beamed at him. Mike now realized what happened he was picked... It felt great...
September 17th, 2009 at 04:37pm