My Birthday!!!

It's my birthday!

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

I've been thinking of myself as 16 for the last few months. I've finally left the former and entered the latter years of teenagerdom. I'd hate to get all nostalgic but six years has past by rather quickly. I still clearly remember when I was 10 and beginning the prepubesant stages of angst and whiny ignorance. I still feel like I'm seven, though. I'll always have the mind of a seven year old.

I still have a doll that I can't sleep without.

My purse is a stuffed teddy bear like the ones you can buy at a zoo.

Today during Science, we mixed sodium bicarbonate, calcium chloride, and bromothymol blue in a plastic baggie (the experiment can be found here --> It produced a yellow, bubbly substance that filled half the baggie.

While the rest of the class was silently experimenting, I was screaming, "Woah, cool!!! Lookit that!! Oh, dude, it looks like puke!"

My lab partner giggled to himself at my zainy reaction. The rest of the class shouted "Shut up!"

I'll never be able to lose my child-like wonder. I'll be an old woman, being carried away by the people in the white coats because I'm muttering gibberish about fairies and the cartoon I watched on t.v.

Speaking of my purse, I named him Herburt Mackenzie and I pierced his right ear twice. He's all cute and shit. I have the weirdest things in my purse, too. Let us spelunk.

The Contents of MintyNapalm's Purse
-A red and white yo-yo. (gotta keep the candy cane colors on me at all times...)
-A deck of cards with 15 jokers. (one of them is Bettie Page. Oh, Bettie.)
-A plastic baggie with exactly fifty M&M's
-A half-eaten Pushpop
-An Izzy Sparks of Guitar Hero one-shot (two-thirds written. It shall be up and running soon.)
-A U.S. Air Force pen
-Aviator sunglasses (I usually have my red Dazed&Confused ones)
-Two s-pec-ta-cle cases
*one with actual glasses
*one with an array of eyeliners and pink lipstick
-The needle to my friend's insulin syringe pen? WTF?!!

I promise you, dear reader, I did not use the needle for any type of drug use. I didn't even know it was in there!

Herburt himself doesn't speak English. He speaks fluent Japanese and a very little bit of Spanish.

Love him. All he needs is love. Love is all he needs.

Comment suggestions for future Guitar Hero one-shots or any one-shots if you like.

I wanna go home and watch WALL-E!!!! +.+
September 17th, 2009 at 05:08pm