I think about this a lot

So I was just thinking about this in excess a lot lately, and I've actually thought a lot about it before, but just more than usual on my ride to school. I hate how much cliched vampire junk is out there. I mean, really, they all have a pretty similar story, and it makes no sense. They all act like it's this huge deal to have all this self control, enough to be with the human they love. It's so cliched and annoying. They actually look human, like extremely beautiful humans, and they all have control over their power as a vampire. And everyone sympathizes with them! Then there's the whole "misunderstood" junk! But the monsters who should really be sympathized are the ones who have no control over their powers, the ones who actually look like poor, filthy beggars because of their uncontrollable power that they have no control over! If you haven't figured out which monsters I am refering to, I mean Werewolves. They turn into a savage, cannibalistic, perverted half wolf every full moon, with no control over their transformation. Now, how many Werewolf stories are there that are even close to the degree of drama and clichedness of vampire stories? Yeah, that's what I thought. So next time you hear about a vampire story, think, "Have I heard 1 or 2 already?" If yes, then you probably don't need to read/see/hear that one, either because with a few tweeks, you already know what's going to happen. And Werewolves don't blindly hate vampires. Vampires are gloating, superiority complexed jerks who always looked down on Werewolves becasue Werewolves actually are tortured by their condition. You try involuntarily, painfully, torturously transforming into a savage, cannibalistic, perverted half wolf (your skeletal system morphing, fur growing, skin tearing as it stretches, etc) every full moon and see how much you are looked down upon. Yeah, vampires are cliched and VASTLY overrated. By the way, I have felt this way since I was 13 or so.
September 18th, 2009 at 01:51am