Will You Be My New Best Freind?? <3

Okay, so me and Chicken were prank calling people all night last night, and some of this morning.
We called almost every restaurant in the phone book and asked them to be our new best freind and all sorts of other things.
My faveriote by far is when we called Waffle House. Here is the converstation.

Waffle House: Thank you for calling Waffle House, how may I help you?
Me: Can I order a pizza?
Waffle House: I'm sorry?
Me: Can I order a pizza?
Waffle House: Yes. You can order ten.
Me: Really?!
Waffle House: Yep.
Me: Yaaay!
Waffle Hosue: -Click-

Oh my, it was hilarity.
Then, we called McDonalds and made them listen to the fast food freestyle.
They were all, "Who is that?" "I dont know! They picked up the phone and started rapping!"

Man, we are idiots.
February 10th, 2007 at 08:38pm