Utter Childishness...Enough is Enough.

The time has come for us Mibbians to hang up the childishness. If I get another message saying that a talented writer is not going to write anymore over the utter stupidity that is rampant on this site, I will lose my mind. We all know that writing is baring our souls, so criticism while appreciated, do not be such ignorant haters that you forsake all meaning of humanity. Is it necessary to drive hundreds of people off the list of a story because you are jealous or ticked off at that person? No. If this is what you resort to, then I shudder for when you work in a place of business. Driving people to hang up their passion is sickening and you ought to be ashamed of yourselves. If you must cut other people down, then please, become a loan shark. It pays much better.

For those of you who have not worked or figured out the Internet, anything under your name or on line nickname can be found! Even if you use Twitter! Nothing is "private" anymore! So while you may think it is childish that someone took your criticism to heart, it is even more childish to resort to little snickers about how he/she knows so much better over some agent crap. This is a writer's site, not a high school. If you cannot handle the fact someone cannot take your criticism, then please do not give it. It goes both ways! If you have some troubles with someone on the site, then be women and men and handle it among yourselves. Do not bring an army into it. No one is voting for Prom Queen or Prom King. Leave the snarkiness off the keyboard, unless it is going in your story.

Is this what Mibba has succumbed to? Bored "writers" who have nothing better to do than write "popular" stories instead of inspired ones, cut down the ones with originality, and tweet about their ingenious retaliations? This is not turning into Quizilla, it is turning into something worse. I know that some members are out of high school, so please act like it. Act your age, not your shoe size. I hope that the younger writers do not look at this drama and get discouraged about it. That is my wish. My other wish is that people realize that this is a community, meant to uplift each other in the common goals of the site. I realize that my wishes will probably go unfulfilled.
September 18th, 2009 at 04:49am