Rant in two: Drama.

NOTICE: Since some of the comments concerning the first part of this journal were warnings against publically calling people out, I'm going to assume you all care oh so much about me staying on this site that you felt the need to tell me to stop breaking the rules. To please my adoring fans, this section has been removed. If you want to know what it said, I'd be happy to send it to you!

What makes it okay for us to critique people to the point of causing them to stop writing?

I know I have a journal where I rant, but that is all general stuff, some of it even I am guilty of (even though those stories may never be published here). I have nothing against ranting. But there is a way to do it that is not hurtful to any one person.

If you have a problem with a writer, message them personal with your hate mail. You don't have to call them out publically. Or you could do the mature thing and just ignore their writing and profile all together. With the number of writers on this site, that is not a hard task to accomplish. This drama has got to stop. If you are out of high school, there is no excuse for you to act like this. Unless you are living in the past or afraid to grow up; then maybe you have bigger problems than some writer you don't like. Perhaps psychological issues? At any rate, this is a disgusting display of human pettiness.

Does it give you some sick and twisted sense of satisfaction to cause so much grief to a person you might not have and may never meet in real life? Does it boost your ego knowing you tore someone down to the point of giving up a passion? Do you feel like you're on top of the world because you have so much power?

I'll tell you this. You're just as much a nobody as everyone else. There's nothing about you that makes you special or talented. Why you ask? Because you see these actions as decent and acceptable.

I may have harsh words with someone, but I try not to break their spirit when I say it.

I hope you two are happy that you've cause this and I can only say I hope the golden rule and karma show themselves fully in your lives. "Treat others as you wish to be treated." It may be a cliche but people say it for a reason. There are whole religions founded on that principal.

But I guess what matters at the end of the day is that you can look yourself in the mirror and still feel like a pretty okay person.

Whether you see a soul looking back at you or not.
September 18th, 2009 at 04:56am