I don't believe people can change.

Or at least if they can I haven't notice. I guess I am talking more about myself.

I believed that I did change, but looking back....I think I am the same person I was four years ago. Even my situations at school and my personal life are the same.

Four years ago I was reconnecting with old friends and making new ones, in a happy relationship, but there was an element of self-loathing almost that I wouldn't admit to myself.

Now I am reconnecting with old friends and making new ones after the move, and I am in happy relationships, but I still sense a trace of self-loathing (I don't know how else to describe it). I just hate some things I think/say, and I still admire characteristics about myself, but at the same time I just feel that I could be better, that I am inadequate or incomplete somehow.

This is troubling for me...in another four years, will I still be the same? Having the same recurring problems, just different settings? Is my whole life just going to be some repeating background? =[

When I witness other people, they don't seem very changed, just kinda wrapped up in their own realities and routines. Is it possible for a person to truly change?

All this time I have been hoping that the experiences of college would cure this. >:'D Just to break the mold.

Flegh. I don't usually feel this way. Maybe its because I am on my period.
September 18th, 2009 at 05:21am