Soundwave 2010

Okay so who is going to the amazing event?

I'm supposed to be going next year and I have my hopes up which probably isn't a good idea. Those of you who have your tickets ready and set to go, how horrendous was it to get them?
Tickets for the Brisbane show went on sale today and I was lucky enough to have my Aunt let me use her credit card.

And me being the impatient and overly eager music fan I am, I'm pretty sure I did more than double book four tickets.


My purchase occured about thirty odd times and I am not exagerating.

My aunt shouldn't have let her fifteen year old niece loose with a credit card and concert tickets to be purchased.

But then I'm to blame too for the $6000+ bill that could possibly be coming our way.

We could also point the finger at the website and I could run off a million different excuses as to why the page didnt load I and got frustrated and continuously clicked the 'Purchase Now!' sign.

All I have now to do is wait.
I can Honestly say I'm dreading the phone call we should be expecting from Ticketek in the next few days.

You think kids with alcohol are dangerous?
Kids with credit cards are any adult's worst nightmare.

Has anybody else been impatient and gotten more than they intended?
September 18th, 2009 at 01:55pm