
So, in reading through all the comments on my newest journal, I have realized a few things.

First, people tend to take me seriously. All the time. What kind of BS is that? So I make a comment about drama I see or rant in a seemingly aimless fashion. If I wanted to make a change or make a point, I would take the time to formulate an actual argument. My journals take about ten minutes to write. What kind of in-depth rational argument can be thought up in ten minutes. I know I personally don't think that way. It was a reaction to what I had been told. Furthermore, look at the other journals I have posted. NONE of them are serious.

I'll let y'all in on a little secret. I'm sarcastic and I like pissing people off. Therefore, I feel obligated to inform you that while I may reply to your statements with seemingly logical answers, I'm laughing my head off. Anyone who responded with hostility simply gave me a bit of entertainment for amount of time it took me to read your comments.

To address the issue of getting banned: I don't care. I barely update as it is and this site sucks my attention from my school work and already nonexistent social life. The only reason I still post on here is because a small (as in most likely less than 10) group of people read what I write. I can find other ways of letting then read my stories. And I can assure you that the right people know I broke the rules. So whatever avenue they chose to take, well...let the consequences stand and the record show that I was aware of my actions.

Others say it's none of my business. Eh, it isn't. I am however entitled to my opinion. Whether I stated it publically or privately, no one had to give it any credence.

In my rants, I tend to appear high and mighty. That's not the case at all. In my opinion, I'm a horrible writer. I know I'm not better than anyone else, which leaves me free to voice my opinion so openly. I don't expect anyone to read what I write, journals or otherwise.

So, if you are angered by what I write in my journals, bravo. Writing irate retorts won't scare me or make me change my mind. I don't seek your acceptance, nor am I hurt when people are mad at me. Like I said before, I enjoy pissing people off. Those angry comments just made my day.

I hope you have a wonderful day!
September 18th, 2009 at 06:06pm