Can you recommend some bands that fit this criteria? :)

I need some music. Some good music.

Here's what I like:

- The Ramones (Gabba Gabba Hey! xD)
- The Clash (a ton of the bands I like, start with 'the', by the way)
- The Matches
- The Cure
- The Misfits
- Def Leppard
- Led Zeppelin
- Black Sabbath
- My Chemical Romance (their older stuff, I didn't like The Black Parade, to be honest)
- Pencey Prep
- Eric Clapton
- Van Morrison
- The Beatles
- Nirvana
- The Who
- Sex Pistols
- The Eagles
- Aerosmith
- Bob Dylan
- Meatloaf
- Morissey
- Smashing Pumpkins
- Pink Floyd
- Circle Jerks
- Spookey
- Rammstein

And so, so much more. It's crazy. Sorry for any mispellings on the band names. It's hard to remember them all.

Any recomenndations?
September 19th, 2009 at 02:11am