Next staff night out, My 18th, a tattoo and friends?

I'm starting to get used to this journal thing. I like having somewhere to come and write stuff that is on my mind that I need to get out. And I'd like to think it's worthwhile for me to be able to get it out.

So. I work at Tesco right? It's relatively new to town and only opened in December. We had a staff night out in...May? idk but anyway it was so much fun. I got the drunkest I've been [which still wasn't that drunk] ever and I had a generally good time. That was the night that I realised how much I liked this particular guy at my work. You know when you just realise you like someone in that way and you get all giddy and excited about the prospect of what could be? That was exactly what it was like.

Nothing has ever happened which is why I'm looking forward to this next night out, which is three days after my birthday. [10 days!!] I can't wait. I'll be legal, I wont have to drink in the back of a friends car, I'll be able to buy it legally! This means I'll be able to get drunk and I'm much more confident when I'm drunk. Maybe I'm just dreaming that something will happen between me and this guy. I just hope I'm not just letting my imagination run away with me.

Also once I'm eighteen I want to get a tattoo. My mum will freak out if I don't tell her and get it on my own but she'll also freak out if I do tell her and wont let me get it. My dad [who is a lot more laid back] says to drop hints but like what? I'm thinking of getting Fall Out Boy lyrics first on my back, 'cause I liked them as a band before I did My Chemical Romance, but I have a better connection with a My Chem lyric so I don't know. I'll see.

I recently started college and it meant loosing a few friends, even though we are all meant to keep in touch, the two friends that I did have are practically ignoring me. We have different lunch times and things and they are both in a few of the same classes, where as I'm on my own. I'm not normally one to bitch about things like this 'cause I always thought i had it figured out, having been through it before, but idk. The one friend that I didn't think would stay in touch or keep in touch has and I'm glad but disappointed at the other two.

I just hope things sort out before my birthday and that they still remember it, otherwise I'mma be rather lonely. They are making new friends whereas in my course most people are older and I've only really made one.

Oh well. I'll survive. Things'll work out even if I have to force it to.
September 20th, 2009 at 02:01am