Can I Drown him? PLEASE?!?

So Tomorrow I'm Hitting up the beach with my Best friend Katie and My Almost Other almost as close as her friend Edwardo. I've known Edwardo for 4-5 years. I've known Katie for 6. I love her with all my heart, She's the sister I've never had and I Would Die for her in a millisecond. She Stopped me from doing the stupidest things Twice and if it weren't for her... I Would be a Corpse. I Proudly admit this.

On A Lighter note, Edwardo Practically invited himself and Hona might come too. We Joked I Would be dead meat in a car accident if I needed to get my seat belt off. Its hard to get off. She MIGHT come. I'm not sure. Edwardo got in trouble for putting eyeliner on so that made me giggle.

I Can't wait to go To the Beach tomorrow. Its gonna be fun, Unlike last time We couldn't use my boogie board when I went with Malorie cause the Stupid lifeguard wouldn't let us. Asshole. Whatever. At least I know I Can use my Boogie Board at seal Beach. We are leaving Super early. So I Told Katie If it looks like I'm about to pass out, That's normal.She Laughed. So Excited. although I have to admit I kind of Didn't want Edwardo to Come, But now I Guess I'm Cool with the Idea. Apparently they Cleaned up Seal Beach and the water is clearer. I remember when We caught two Crabs and They Died Two days later. LMAO!! I Wonder why they call it Seal Beach. Are there even any seals?! Katie said we should Drown Edwardo When We chatted on my space. I hate my space but whatever. It was funny. Here's part of a Convo we had once when She Was pissing me off:

Me: *Stabs*

Katie: *Laughs*

Me: *Stabs harder*

Katie: It Tickles!!

That made me Laugh. And then I Wrote this.

Me: *Kills and Burys*

Oh I Love her!! Sure I Wanna kill her sometimes But She's still my best friend and that will NEVER Change!!

Again Can't Wait for Tomorrow.

-Scarlett Von D.
September 20th, 2009 at 02:03am