
Isn't it encouraging when your mother outright calls you that?

"Can we get Honey Bunches of Oats (my favorite cereal :D) this time?"

"No, it's unhealthy. Over half of this family is overweight, we don't need your brothers like that too."

"Did you just call me overweight?"

"It's true. You can't eat junk like this," *pointing to cheddar cheese* "all the time."

"Wow... Just wow."
The rest of our shopping trip was completed in silence.

Now, I'm happy with my body. Sure, I have a little bit of chub but it's not like I'm unfit or anything- I have some form of cardio classes three times a week, for crying out loud! But every day I get from my mother, "Are you really going to wear that shirt?" "You look like you're pregnant, Dani." "You're so lazy, you need to exercise more!"

Aaargh. It's kind of irritating. I'm happy with my body, I'm fit enough, and I rarely eat junk food- I prefer fruit, meat, and water to candy, chips, and soda. But every day it's the same thing about how overweight I am. -.-

Alright. Rant over. xD

Question of the day:
What is currently your favorite book?

Happy 'Talk Like a Pirate Day'!
(Did you know you can change your language on Facebook to Pirate English? It's amazing! xD)
September 20th, 2009 at 04:22am