Boys In Bands: Love 'em or Hate 'em?

I was just curious about how ppl see guys(and the occassional girl) in bands. I love music, so good music is good music, I think it's awesome to see a girl in a band, on stage and rocking just as hard as "the boys". I sing with my friend's band sometimes, and I get compliments on the fact that I'm up there with all boys. Personally, I think Paramore isn't too good live, but VersaEmerge, holy crap, THEY! kick some serious ass.

I enjoy being able to rock out and dance around on stage with the boys(: and when you're a girl doing it, there's a certain feeling of accomplishment. kinda like "ha! Girls CAN do it too." Maybe it's just me though, but it's always fun to have that feeling of accomplishment. BUT! I've also seen female singers who rock a little too hard, ya know what I mean? They are bordering looking like a boy. O.o my mom says "You can be a singer in a hardcore band, I don't care, BUT stay feminine....bathe, shave your legs, keep your manners in tact, everything that is expected of girls. Trust me, when you're older, you'll appreciate me telling you this."

She's right though, when you see a girl who could honestly pass for a boy, it's not too attractive, is it? Again, just my opinion. I think being a girl is fun.(: I like being the girl who can rock out with the boys, do what she needs to, and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. But, I do enjoy dressing up, doing my makeup, hair, and nails.
September 21st, 2009 at 12:19am