I miss reading for fun

AP World History is taking up so much of my time.
Maybe I should have gone easy on my first year of high school, but oh well, too late now.
I hope this class is worth all my hard work.
Or as hard of a work as I can do.
For Tuesday I have about 3 chapters due and an essay but I've been doing so much it just makes me lazy to even think about doing more work.

The last book I read was Blood Promise and I miss reading for fun so much!
I even miss the dumbest vampire stories, and the emo stories, and every story!

I think I'm going to go read now before I die because apparently I can't focus on my homework so I might as well do something I want to do.

And I'm so excited because I'm turning 15 in 4 months and my dad is finally going to let me drive!
It kind of scares me a little too because it just shows I'm growing up and I really don't want to.
New things excite me though so I really really want to drive already but it probably won't be such a big deal in a couple of years, that's why I want to enjoy it now.

Okay I'm gonna go read now!

I ate Nutella. Now I'm sorta....hyper?

September 21st, 2009 at 03:13am