The Scarecrows Deals

The title of this entry is the name of a story I am thinking on starting, but before I do I need a little feedback.

The book is made up of a bunch of short stories all of them about one or two people making a deal with a scare crow who shows himself to people who he thinks might have a interesting wish. Each chapter is a new person a new life, different time, randing from romance to murderous hate.

What I am asking is....

What genre do you want, and if your a writer yourself who would like to try out a joint story (what they are called where I live)
basically for that you would need more then to offer a idea of genre you would need

Names and details of main character:
names and details of secondary
locations no details needed because that would take up space and if your idea is picked then we will talk it over
the genre
the deal
how the person, persons, meet the scarecrow (meaning what they want that draws him there.)

I relize there is the chance that nobody would like the idea of joining as well as the chance that nobody will reply to this, but......I am bored and wonder if this might mean at the least when i put up the first chapter of the story that if someone replys to this I will at least have that person look at the story.
September 23rd, 2009 at 12:39am