I guess deaths really do come in threes.

I just got a phonecall from my boyfriend. It has to be the worst news that I have gotten today...this week... this year... my whole life.

Turns out that a bunch of our friends decided to go out last night and some wont ever be coming home.

My his brother was in that car.

My best friend was in that car.

My closest male friend was in that car.

16 years of memeories were in that car.

I was in an accident with a drunk driver a week ago and walked away. They weren't so lucky.

How do you go back to the place you once called home only to put to rest the three best people you know?

How do you drive home knowing that when you get there the people who usually greet you with a smile wont be there?

Words really cant explain the feelings that are running through me right now. The only reason I am writing this is to let people know why I will be MIA for a while.

School can wait, work can wait, life wont wait, death wont either. None of us are guaranteed tommorow or right now.

I took that for granted by not calling her back last night because I had Anatomy paper due today.

I took it for granted when Depeche Mode were in concert here in the city and I didnt go with him because I had to work the next morning.

I took so much for granted with them and I will never have the moments to fix it. To make it right.

I hope you rot in jail for what you did . Actually I take that back. I wish you get the help you need if it would only prevent you from harming others.

But know that you have ruined Four families. Three lives lost and countless others destroyed. None of them will ever be the same because of you and you dont even remember what you did.

I'm waiting for my roommate to get back so that she can know why I am not there. I need to breath for a moment before I attempt to make that drive through those gates that hold a place that is no longer a home without them.

I needed to get this off of my chest so that I can be strong for them. They need someone strong. I have to be strong for them.

I love you Ana my BFF since I was 4 the shit we've been through, the things we've seen, the concerts we've tackled.

I love you Greg, the guy that kicked Robert Kirbs ass for coping a feel in 7th grade.

I love you Caleb, my would be brother in law. You always knew what to say and put Eric in his place.

They say that people live as long as there is a memory of them. I promise that I will always think of you.

Amicitia pro infinitio. EGO diligo vos. (Thanks Greg for helping me in latin class)
September 23rd, 2009 at 12:57am