She's pregnant

He raced home that day to tell alison about his new accomplishment. Tires screeched on the drive way and alison came running. "whats going on?" she asked as he got out of the car. " you'd never believe it," he exclaimed, " My dad my own father gave me the best thing ever...." alison just looked at him like okay go on. "...he's letting me work with him on a big case" mike said with a huge smile on his face. "thats great hunny" said alison. "why did he give you this on your first day at work?" "I don't know thats kind of weird isn't it" mike said almost to himself. That was a good question why did dad give him, him of all people the chance to work with him on a big case. Mike went upstairs to change. Alison came upstairs with something in her hand but he couldn't see what it was. "whats in your hand hunny" he asked. "I need you to sit down before i tell you anything" alison said calmly. Mike sat on the bed as alison stood over him. "Okay..." she said with a grin. she handed him a small, thin, tall box. Mike opened it to see a thin stick with a pink plus sign on it. "WE'RE PREGNANT" she said. "but..wait...what are you sure it's true how many did you take...?" mike stammered. " I took five and they all came out positive"alison said. "wow great this day cannot get any better" mike said excitedly. It's true that day couldn't get any better for mike. he went to bed so happy ready for the next day to start to see what will happen.
September 23rd, 2009 at 04:45pm