Oh my god!! Too much love!

Wow. I've been sitting here thinking about how messed up its been emotionally lately with a couple of my buds, and i feel that i must let it out.

Basically, im not going to go through my friends crazy love life that even i dont understand but here's the lo-down; WOW.

Anyway, me and a couple of my buds were hanging out and playing truth or truth. (I'm sure you can guess what that is! XD) And one of them asked who i liked. Now in the past i have never told my friends who i liked. Never. I always liked someone but that someone changed so often! Anway i realized that most of those people i just admired for one thing but in middle school (although most of the guys were butt ugly XD) i started finding some crushes. I still never told my friends who because as it would seem i just didn't like that person enough or ONE of my friends loved playing match-maker so much that i knew that if i ever told them it would be ruined- because thats not how im going to fall in love. I know its a long shot but no one is going to play match-maker with me, thank you.

Back to the point, during truth or truth i still didn't talk until later. I told one of my friends who i just so happen to really like and im really happy that i told that one person! Now if you are one of my friends and you dont know, don't be all "Oh, Kt hates me!" becasue i love you all and trust me you'll know when we get married! Lol!

Oh and a couple of you could actually find out if you think about it! XD (btw Kaz it's not Chris! Trust me, he has enough admirers! XD good luck btw)

Anyway with that off my chest i would love to hug ArisaysLOLLERSKATES for inviting me to Ocean City this weekend! I'm totally excited because i never get to go anywhere out of the county with you!!! Thank you for inviting me! Can't wait!

Comments appreciated ;).
<3 Kt
September 24th, 2009 at 02:24am