
Ok....so I know the title looks really strange...But do you expect anything different from me.

I just have a few things to get off my chest, 'cause I feel like I am going to explode, no matter how many people I tell.

My supposed best friend wants to sleep with my ex and he is willing to. But who can blame him. He's a guy. But that isnt what is pissing me off about her, its the fact that for the month tat we were going out she continually abused me and told me to dump him and that I could do so much better than him (which is false) and that she hates him. Every day, every time I talked to her, I got this. I am not kidding. Now she is saying how funny he is and how cool he is and is acting as if everything is cool between us. When 2 days ago she was full on abusing me because I hadn't told her about my girlfriend (yes. I am bi) Although I was abusing her back and getting everything off my chest and basically giving her a piece of my mind and everything I have kept buried for about 8 yrs. And even my girlfriend got pissed at her and my ex was pissed at her. So I dont know what is happening.

To make matters worse. My girlfriend has a massive crush on one of my best friends (a guy) and he is in love with one of ma other friends (which is really cute) who doenst want him. While my girlfriend is telling me how good my best friend is, how hot he is, what a good kisser he is, when I already know all this. It just makes you feel a little unloved. Me and my girlfriend will have been dating for a week on Saturday. YAY. Lol.

Right now. I dont know what to do. I dont know what to think. I dont know what to feel. I just feel down and out. For the past 2 days I havent actually gotten out of bed at all. I just want it all to end, for it all to be over. But im not that brave or stupid, whichever one you want to call it. I'll live on, I always do. Im weird like that.

P.S. If people say I have worse lives, please dont. Its not 'cause I dont care, 'cause I do. Its just that if you say how much worse your lives are than mine. I feel worse for complaining and making a big deal out of something so little. So please dont.
Oh and any suggestions on how I can fix my life, would be greatly appreciated, no matter what they are. Even if it dont mean fixing my life
September 24th, 2009 at 09:05pm