Hier kommt die Sonne

Ok, so it's been a few days since I last wrote a journal.
Been back at work since tuesday, it's good though as it means i have something to do during the day.
Things are looking up though, got a fair few gigs coming up; Papa Roach w/ Madina Lake, My Passion, Shinedown w/ Soil, Hollywood Undead w/ Escape the Fate, Paramore w/ YouMeAtSix & the best one of all, RAMMSTEIN! So glad we got tickets to see them, only problem is that they haven't got any dates in Scotland, only Manchester, Birmingham & Wembley. Manchester & Wembley didn't have standing tix left so we opted for Birmingham (which is like a 5 hours drive away!) as they did have standing tix left.
They are the ultimate band to see live, my favourite, hands down. Saw them last just over 4 years ago. Seriosuly can't wait to see them again! :D
Also, i've signed up to do a course with the Open University. I'm gonna be studying German because I just love it.
Maybe end up doing Spanish aswell, as I want to eventually end up with a BA (Hons) Modern Language Studies degree.
Good times.
September 24th, 2009 at 09:28pm