Top 10 Ways to Cause Havock and Terror on the Bus:::

Heya! So today when we were on the bus all of us upper classmen that sit in the back were making lists of ways to cause terror on the bus :D Now I decided to post all the things WE do, and if your bus does other things just add them to the list because we have a goal of having the WORST bus behavior in the history of our district :D

So with no more futher adue...

Top 10 Ways to Cause Havock and Terror on the Bus:

1. Have "Snipper" Wars: All you have to do is get a good thick, strong, bouncey rubber band, and make "hornets" and "clip hornets" for ammo. Hornets are just thick pieces of paper folded into little ">", Clip Hornets are paper clips wond TIGHTLY together and folded into a "<". Then you use the rubber band and your ammo to shoot at people on the bus. I advice to make a main target each day. Our bus's usually targets are Megan and Crow :D.

2. Rock the Bus: This one you have to get the majority of the bus involved in. It's pretty self explanitory, you get very body to rock side to side to the same acord - to get best results the people next to the windows should slam themselves into the side of the bus :D

3. Play Bus Stop Seats: This one is A LOT like musical chairs! Okay so what you do is whenever the bus comes to a stop everyone has to get up and hurry to a new seat. If someone is stranded in the aile or gets a seat they've already have they get 1 rubber band beating - you snap them with a rubber band in the thigh or under arm :P

4. Make a Body Band: All you have to do is start making rythems by slamming you thighs or clapping, stomping ect. :]

5. Have a Yelling Match: Pretty self explanitory - you scream as loud as you can, whoever has a sucky scream they get 1 rubber band beating :P

6. Play Bloody Knuckles: Bloody Knuckles is where you whack knuckles until someone whimps out.

7. Have everyone stand up and walk around the bus - and if the bus has a roof window thing open it, close it, ect.

8. Play the Car Game: This is the one that we play the most - do whatever you can to get the bus to stop and try to get as many cars behind you as you possibly can! Our bus's record is 17 - we have country roads.

9. Make Signs for the Windows: Make fun signs to put in the windows like "Honk if your horny!" or "Help! He has a gun!" <-- that one has to look like you wrote it in a hurry.

10. Terrorize the under classmen anyway you possibly can.

Okay guys, I understand if you don't do any of these it's completely understandable. But if you manage to beat our bus's records I'd love to know! So here they are:

- Had disbatch called on us twice.
- Got pulled over four times.
- Had 17 cars stuck behind us.
- Had the bus stop 24 times in one ride.
- Had another adult come onto the bus and question the bus driver twice.
- Pissed off two bikers
- Used up a three pound rubber band ball in 2 months
- Polished off 564 paperclips in 1 month

I swear if you beat at least 2 of those I will forever honor you!!! So if you have any other ways to cause havock please do comment :D

And here is my amazing playlist that I am still adding to:
September 24th, 2009 at 11:37pm