Live Free And Stop Being Sick

Im Sick. It's True. UI'm sick of th way tht some ppl are. How some ppl think tht life is just a game where u need to step on ppl to get by. Thts not true, Christofer Drew is absolutly my Idol,, if we all just look at life th way tht he does life would be alot easier but thts not th way things are but im not gonna say tht i thnk exactly th way he does, i have my moments where i think bad thoughts n when i want to absolutly break down n kick someone's butt but im trying to be a better person, im trying to live free n stop taking life so seriously, to let go a little more n relax when i need to so in inspiration of him i made this poem:)

Live Free

Take a deep breath
and prepare to live free
stop taking life so seriously
there's too much stress
and not enough time
start living in the moment
stop walking in a line

Travel off course
and smell the roses on your way
dont worrie about the others
they'll find a place to stay

let go of all your worries
they cant riide on your back
trust me if you let them
they'll put you back on track
back to the world where everyone's the same

dont be like the otthers, be unique
dont play their game

Take your first step
are you ready to live free?
open your ears and listen to me..

you cant shake hands
with a clenchesd fist
if you dont open your eyes,
you cant see through the mist

So start looking foward
and stop looking back
leave your past in the past
and your worries on the track

take my hand
and now can you see?

me and you,
we're finally living free(:
September 25th, 2009 at 02:17am