Other things that effected me.

Some other things, which effected me.

In January 2004, my Father went to the UAE, which was, effectively, a war zone. This left me, who was close to him at that time, devastated. i lost 10kgs during that time and then gained 13kgs three weeks before he returned.

on 13th January 2007, my first year of high school. we put down my beloved dog Khan. I still miss him dearly and mention of him makes me well up into tears and i refuse to talk for several hours...

During Primary school i was also 'fat'

During 2007 i lost 25-30kgs all together. I was incredibly sick. and had my Gall bladder removed in October 2007.

also during 2007, i had a boyfriend, who attended another school. we lasted 5 months. he cheated on me for 4 and a half.

i chose Prendiville over Marter di.

I only talk to one person from Sale. (melissa)

I talk to two people from Liwara (sheryl and Angela)

Angela, is someone who, like me, was bullied for most of her childhood.

I could have gone to St. Simon Peter.

I could have been in year 11

I chose to stay with my 'friends' rather than hang with the HK's which effectively has shaped who i am today.

I care deeply about people, and despite outward appearance, will stick up for my friends. to anyone.
September 25th, 2009 at 11:13am