It's 7:34 and I should be at school, but instead I'm doubled over in pain.

As the title says, I should be on my way to school to better my education. However, I'm not, thanks to my...well...actually, I'm not really sure what causes the pain in (what has previously been diagnosed as) my stomach/upper abdominals. Here, let me give you some insight as to what my life has been like with these problems that I've had since I was four.

I've had numerous tests done in my lifetime; from ultrasounds and MRI's to upper GI's and an endoscopy. Why? Because for the past thirteen years, I've suffered with mild to severe upper abdominal pain that is accompanied by nausea (but no vomiting). However, in the past five or so months, it has gotten progressively worse to the point where I can't function and I end up missing school. What makes this even more difficult is that not only do I have to keep my grades up so I can go to college, but my school has an EXTREMELY strict attendance policy: a student can miss no more than seven days in a semester (or said student may be drop from a class or classes) and no more than twelve days in the entire school year.

Gee, kinda difficult for someone who suffers from pain on a daily basis.

Although I've had countless tests done and I've been to (now) 4 gastroenterologists AND my pediatrician, they have been unable to successfully diagnose anything. I've been told I have IBS, acid reflux, pallap (spell check?) on my gall bladder (possibly), and a couple of other things I can't even remember. With each illness came a new prescription. Here is the small list of meds I've taken for what was previously diagnosed as acid reflux:

Pepcid AC
Zantac (75 and 150 mg)
Prevacid (15 and 30 mg)
Nexium (now taking this)
Rolaids (Chewing at least 4-6 in one day or a couple hours.)
Hyoscyamine (I had it prescribed, but I haven't actually taken it yet. My current gastroenterologist says its only for emergencies.)

Basically, we're out of options, people.

There was also a segment on NBC news about a year or so ago that talked about a new illness/condition called MALS (Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome). The symptoms they stated were almost exactly the same as what I now experience: pain in the upper abdomen, worsening pain after eating meals, weight loss due to not eating, and a couple others. However, since doctors typically don't diagnose or look for MALS until after all other common possibilities are ruled out (if they even do look for MALS), I probably won't be checked for it anytime soon, seeing as how I am going in next Friday for my second upper endoscopy and just Wednesday, I went to the hospital for an ultrasound

Results? Inconclusive.

In simple terms, I am frustrated with this and extremely tired of hearing the same things over and over. It has now gotten to the point where I don't watch what I eat, but rather, how long my stomach will hurt and how bad it will hurt after I eat something. There are practically no more medicinal choices for me. Another little yummy tidbit to this whole thing is that it also wakes me up in the middle of the night, keeping me awake for 1 to anywhere to 4 hours, causing a lack of focus in school and on schoolwork.

Not real good for a senior in high school.

Anyway, long story short: I've had undiagnosed abdominal problems for over ten years and now it's severely affecting my life. I've cried too many hours, wishing they would just fix me so I wouldn't have to live like this anymore. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I have a horrible life due to this pain; I completely and fully understand that there are far worse illnesses and conditions out there. But for everyone, pain is different. I've run out of medicines, I've run out of tests, I've run out of patience.

I do not expect nor want any pity for this entry, I just needed a place to let go of my feelings (good thing this is a creative writing community...=])

Thank you very much,
September 25th, 2009 at 02:34pm