Mall Boys - Talking to random hot guys at the mall!!


So me and my lovely friends (&twin o.o) Alli, Sav and Bia wen to the mall to chillax - but then when we first go there, there was this amzingly hot guy WITH AMAZING HAIR!

So we went up to him and tapped his shoulder and we were all, "Hi! We love your hair! You and your friend are both hott!! With two t's! Yeah so well bye bye babe!" then we'd leave.

So we were on like guy #7 but when we were talking to him we got into talking about everything! He had a sexy tattoo, and he had awesome cars, and was just amazing. So we swapped numbers and like yeah he's like 3 years older than us xD

But he was amazing! So yeah :P Malls are so fun
September 26th, 2009 at 04:08am