Teenage Drama's.

This is a 'non- chapter' story so i kinda decided to put it here. hope you like it
please comment

There I was, standing at my bedroom window looking down at the kids playing marbles and hop-scotch; all getting along and laughing together and having a good time. ‘Why don’t I fit in?’ I asked myself. ‘Why can’t I be normal like all those other kids?’ I thought.

I never knew it would be that hard to fit in, mum always said I’d make friends someday. I guess that someday hasn’t come yet.

I laid down on my messy bed, got under the blankets, pressed my head into the pillow and cried, I cried about how lonely I felt, I cried about why no one would accept me, I just....cried.

A few hours later, I woke up still feeling tired, I got up and went to look out the window, and to my surprise all the happy kids were still there. I ran down stairs to ask mum if I could go outside and play. “Of Corse you can sweetheart.”

“Thanks mum.” I said. As I was walking out the door I was thinking to myself ‘what if they don’t let me play? What if they push me around because im weird?’

“Hi, can I play with you?” I asked looking just a little bit hopeful.

“No, why would we let you play? Your ugly and nerdy and weird, it won’t make us look very good and unlike you we still have a reputation. You’re just too ugly for a job or anything like that.” One of the girls said.

I looked at each and every one of them and the only one who wasn’t laughing was a girl who looked about my age; 13. I ran off into my house and shut the door, I fell to the ground and cried again, but this time I wasn’t crying because I didn’t fit in, it was because I was humiliated, I felt so stupid I could just lie here in front of my door and die. She said I was ugly and that I would never have a reputation because I was so ugly and weird. I felt sick. I felt like I could just vomit all over my mum’s clean carpet.

The next day, I pretty much just sat in my room getting ready for school for tomorrow. Mum wasn’t home today, she was at work so I had the whole house to myself.

I heard a knock at the door, I wasn’t too sure who it was because all of mums friends knew she was working today and it couldn’t be anyone for me.
I opened the door being very cautious. It was the one of the girls from yesterday, but I don’t think she was here to tease me; it was the girl that wasn’t laughing.
“Hi, Im Melissa, I’ve just come to say that I’m really sorry about what my friend jess said to you. I promise you I don’t agree with her, I think you are actually really pretty. I also think it’s great to be smart, you’re not weird, you’re an individual, and you’re a really sweet girl... um...-“

“Ellie.” I told her smiling.
“That is a really nice name, Can I call you Elle?” Melissa asked me

“Yeah of Corse, that’s what my mum calls me.” I answered

“Awesome, Oh, and just to let you know, I told Jess off about yesterday and now we are not friends.”

“Oh, im sorry.” I said apologetically.

“No it’s ok; I would rather be friends with you than a skank like her.”

I honestly thought this was a dream, but its not, I was so happy to finally be accepted.

“Would you like to come in?”

“Oh I’d love to and thankyou for the invitation but I have actually got to go out for my brothers birthday now. Maybe tomorrow after school?”

“Uh yeah sure, im always free these days.” I said laughing.

I ran inside again, but this time I wasn’t crying, I was screaming, laughing, smiling at what just happened. It’s been the best day of my life; I just hope this isn’t a set up. I hope she couldn’t hear me screaming otherwise I she would think im a total idiot.

That day at school it just got worse again, people were tripping me over and taking my books. The final bell went for the end of the day and I thought to myself, ‘yes, it’s finally over for the day’ until that jess girl came up behind me and pushed me. All my books went over the ground, my assignment (that was due tomorrow morning) blew away, my knees were bleeding and my hands were aching. I felt like crying but I held back. A boy in my class came up to jess and pushed her away and told her to give me a break, he yelled at everyone and said for them to move along. After everyone had done so he came and helped me, I tried to get up but I just fell, my leg was in so much pain. Then Melissa came along and just laughed at me,” I can’t believe you actually believed me, why would I be nice to you your a freak.” And she walked away.
I started crying, I couldn’t help it, and it was uncontrollable.
“Don’t pay attention to her or any of the others; they are all just stubborn bitches.” The boy said. He made me feel allot better, he was nice, caring, and kind of cute too. I knew his name; Drew. He helped me up, I could barely walk.

“Man, you can barely walk, let me walk you home, I think you live on the same street as me.”

“Oh, are you sure, I hope its not too much trouble?” I said trying not to sound desperate.

“It is fine, honestly, im pretty sure your house is before mine anyway.” He said. I liked him; I had never felt this way about a boy before. He was sweet and cute. I put my books away and we walked home together.

I wasn’t at school the next day because of how bad my foot hurt. I was disappointed because I really wanted to see Drew again.

I thought about him all day, I even dreamt about him. His house was 3 doors down from mine which was good.

It was the time when school finished and I heard a knock at the door. I wasn’t going to fall for another one of those stupid tricks the ‘gang’ did to me again, I hopped awkwardly to the door and opened it, it was Drew, I smiled.
“Hi.” I said in a high pitched voice, I coughed.

“Hi, I realised you weren’t at school today, I came to see how you were feeling.” He said laughing at me.

“Oh im fine, my leg is just a bit sore, ill be back at school tomorrow.” I said trying to keep my voice at a normal pitch.

He started laughing; I laughed too and dropped my head.

“That’s good.” he smiled.

“Would you like to come in?” I asked hopefully.

“Yeah sure, why not I have nothing better to do.” he said.

“Bye, I enjoyed having some company.” I said waving

“Catch ya.”

I saw my mum pull up the drive way, she came in the house and I started talking straight away.

“Oh My God, that boy I told you about yesterday, he came to see if I was alright and he came in and we had milkshakes and cookies and the best part was, he said I was a beautiful, smart girl!”

“Awe darling, that’s wonderful but I just hope he isn’t playing games with your head.” Mum told me and I ran up into my room.

Over the next few weeks Drew and myself were walking home together, hanging together at school, partnering up with projects. It was all too good to be true.

It was the last week of school and we were sitting at lunch talking about the ‘Gang’, they walked past and jess and Melissa said hi to Drew and walked off, We just laughed. The bell went. We both stood up and someone pushed past me, I was pushed closer to Drew and I almost fell. He grabbed me and we just looked into each others eyes. Then everything went quiet, I wasn’t too sure how it happened but it was my first kiss and it was incredible. We both pulled away after we heard the second bell went for class to start. We got a detention for being late. We both looked at each other and smiled and we knew it was worth it.

In detention he passed me a note, it said;

I love you; I want to be with you forever and ever.
There is nothing stopping us!
You are just as beautiful as diamonds.
Will you be my girlfriend Ellie?

Love with all my heart, Drew. Xxoo

I looked at him and smiled, I didn’t write anything on the note, I kept it. I nodded and he smiled back at me.

We walked home together like usual but this time we held hands and looked at each other the whole way. I told mum everything, she just hugged me to death.

I hadn’t changed at all, I was just more happier.

My first boyfriend and I know it means something.

I put the note in my pillow case.

I walked over to the window and looked out at the kids playing marbles and hop-scotch; all getting along with each other and having a good time, and I thought to myself ‘Im glad im not friends with those bitches, im happier than them, and I am normal, well at least that’s what mum and Drew say.’

Written by Rebeccah Fletcher
September 26th, 2009 at 06:12am